Karting in the high desert

The Gear

There are many places to get gear!

Matching your Go kart is almost always an option and something to ask about when you get a go kart.

There are many used items both within the club and in other areas. Check out the local resources or use the contact form for help finding used gear.

NKA (National Karting Association) also has a shop for people who need help finding al the gear. You can check it out here:

Kid Kart and Jr-1 classes all need a chest protector and neck brace!



Helmets are the most important safety item!

Check the ratings below to make sure you are in spec.

FIA Helmets: 8859-2015, 8860-2010, 8860-2018, 8860-2018 ABP. (Expires 10 years from MFG date in helmet or 10 years after spec.)

SNELL foundation Specs: M or SA2015 (Exp: 12/31/2025), CMR or CMS 2016 (Youth) (Exp: 12/31/2026),
K,M or SA 2020(Exp: 12/31/2030)

Other specs can be found on NKA website.

A tinted shield can help in the sun out in the desert!

There are many brands such as Bell, K1, Zamp, Vega, G-max, Sparco, and many more!

Note: Radios between driver and mechanics are not allowed to be used during a race. Helmets with radio capabilities are not restricted for use at the club but the radio functionality cannot be used during races.



The suit is both protective and can be personalized for each racer. Although a Racing suit is not required at NNKC, the driver must have arms and legs completely covered while on the track.

There are many brands including K1, Alpine Star, Torq-Racewear, Sparco, Simpson, Zamp and many more.

These suits can usually be customized. And many racers put patches on the suits after receiving them.



Any gloves can be used. Hands must be covered on the race track!

Racing gloves can provide grip and are typically designed for comfort when the fingers are close together and gripping something.

Vendors include K1, Sparco, Alpine Star, Minus 273, Zamp, Torq-Racewear. etc



Although specific racing shoes are not a requirement at NNKC, other organizations require shoes designed for racing.

Racing shoes provide comfort and protection around the ankle.

Many vendors including Sparco, Alpine Star, K1 racegear, G-Force, Summit, Zamp Etc.